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《Unit 8 A colour story》教学设计—— PEP人教版三年级上册英语整册教案

《Unit 8 A colour story》教学设计—— PEP人教版三年级上册英语整册教案

04-03 14:46:07  浏览次数:530次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, 《Unit 8 A colour story》教学设计—— PEP人教版三年级上册英语整册教案,http://www.dbk123.com
一、教学目标与要求 1、词汇 能熟练掌握和运用颜色单词white, red, yellow, blue, green, orange, brown, purple, black 2、句子: 1)会用礼貌用语Hello. Welcome to our home.        会询问颜色及应答,如:--What’s color is it?   --It’s… 2)掌握重点句子: Here’s a flower for you. I have a dress for you. I have a hat for you. My dress is red. My hat is yellow. 3)能根据重点句子做替换练习。 3、能准确朗读并表演课文对话。 二、教学重点: 熟练掌握和运用本课七个重点句子和九个颜色单词。 三、课前准备 教材配套卡片、配套磁带、录音机、自制课件、挂图、彩色帽子、自制鲜花、自制裙子、颜色转盘、彩色小圆球、彩笔。 四、教学步骤:       第一课时 一、教学目标: 1.句子:会用礼貌用语Hello. Welcome to our home. 2.词汇:能听、说、读、认white, red, yellow, orange, purple五个颜色单词。 二、教学重点: 关于颜色的五个词汇。 三、教具与学具: 教材配套卡片、自制课件、自制单词卡片、彩色鲜花。 四、教学过程: 1、师生问好、导入新课 Well,boys and girls ,Do you like reading children stories. Here is an intresting one.I think you will like it. But you must answer my questions.这有一部有趣的童话故事,你一定会喜欢,但是你必须回答出我的问题。The one who can answer my questions will get a beautiful flower.能回答出老师问题的同学会得到一朵漂亮的小花。Let’s divide the class into four groups.我们把全班分成四组。This group names 红花代表队。 This group names 黄花代表队。This group names 橙花代表队。This group names 紫花代表队 。最后我们看看Which group  is the winner.哪一组能获胜。Understand?   Now,let’s look at the video. 2、学习句子 播放课件:在一片大森林里住着七个善良、快乐的小矮人。他们住在一座美丽的大房子里。(房子由远至近,房子上贴着一个牌子写着“home”) 教师:“Look at this word.What’s the meaning?Can you guess? who? You,please.Oh,good,very good. you are clever. You can get a flower.这个单词是家的意思,它读作home”(板书领读) The little men invite us to their home.At their home,we get a very warm welcome.小矮人邀请我们到他们家去做客,在他们家我们受到热烈的欢迎。Look, how do the little men give us a welcome.看,小矮人是怎么欢迎我们的。” 播放课件:穿着红色服装的小矮人出现在门边说:“Hello. Welcome to our home.”Are you clear? Listen again. (播放)Please read after him(橙色小矮人)Once again.(紫色小矮人)Are we right? Listen. 教师板书:Hello. Welcome to our home. Welcome means 欢迎。 教师:Now, this sentence.what’s the meaning. Can you guess?Who can tell me? this girl,please.Oh,good, you are clever.You are right,you can get a flower.她说对了,这句话的意思是:“你好,欢迎到我们家来。” Please read after me.Hello, welcome to our home.找单生读。     师生之间练习邀请客人到家里来。 Today,there are so many teachers in our school.What should you say?今天我们学校来了这么多老师,你应说什么呢?Now,turn back please let’s say together:Hello,welcome to our school. Good. You are very clever.I’m very happy.(画一个笑脸) 3、学习颜色单词“red、yellow、orange、purple、white” 教师:“Now let’s go to the park of the little men.下面我们一起到小矮人的花园去看一看吧。How beautiful!Yes? Do you know how many kinds of flowers in the park? who can tell me? Yes,four kinds of flowers.  Each of the little man has his favourite colour.每个小矮人都有自己喜欢的一种颜色。Look, what color does the little man like?看,这位小矮人喜欢什么颜色?” 播放课件:穿着红色衣服的小矮人手捧着红色的花说:“Red, red, it's red。” 教师出示卡片“red”。 教师:“Please guess,what’s the meaning? 噢,红色。You are right. Now read after me.red ,red, You please.Good,very good.Sit down ,please. This girl,please.Sorry not re d Good, good.Sit down,please. Look,next one,what colour does he like?    “yellow”what’s the meaning? Can you guess?Yes,it means 黄色。Please read after me.purple,purple. you please.Good,very good.Sit down ,please. Now,next one .Guess :purple,purple,it’s purple. Purple means  Yes,紫色Now read after me.purple,purple You please.Good,very good.Sit down ,please. Now, next one.Guess. orange,orange .it’s orange.Orange means 橙色 Now,read after me. Orange,orange。You please.Good,very good.Sit down ,please. 教师:There are so many beautiful flowers in the park. They  attract a butterfly.花园里的花这么漂亮,不仅我们喜欢,连小蝴蝶也来凑热闹了。 播放课件:一只白色的小蝴蝶飞舞着。 教师:Look,what colour is the butterfly?Yes,白色。Who can speak in English? This girl please.Good white.How do you know?哦,是参加英语学习班学会的,看来你是个非常聪明好学的孩子。You can get a flower. 4、单词巩固练习 1)看课件中五个单词: 师:So many beautiful colours.Can you master?Listen to me carefully. Can you read them like me?你能模仿老师这样读吗?红色红色red,red red red; 黄色this girl please: 黄色黄色yellow,yellow yellow yellow;Good ,you can get a flower. 橙色that  boy please:橙色橙色orange,orange orange orange;Good,you can get a flower. 紫色you please:紫色紫色purple,purple purple purple;Good, you can get a flower. 白色that girl please:白色白色white,white white white。Good, you can get a flower. 2) Play a game 教师:You are all do a very good job.Next ,we’ll play a game.下面我们来做一个游戏。This butterfly  likes flowers very much.Can you guess which flowers it will fall on .这只小蝴蝶非常喜欢花,你猜它会落到哪种颜色的花上?Speak in English. 教师播放课件,让蝴蝶落在黄色花上。黄花下显示出单词yellow. Who is right?Let’s have a look.It falls on the yellow flowers. 课件:每次蝴蝶都会落在不同颜色的花上。猜对的同学得到小花. 3)Well,we have played so long,It’s time to go home.好了,我们在小矮人花园里玩了这么长时间也该回去了,The little men give us a present.你看小矮人还送给我们每位同学一个礼物, Just in your desk.take out,please.It is a beautiful flower.Do you like it? But there is a request.You must point out the color of the flower in English.可是小矮人有个要求:你要用英文说出花的颜色.For exmple:Red,red,it’s red. Now, Pracise in groups.现在咱们小组练习一下,每个小组选出读得最好的作代表到讲台上展示一下你们小组的水平. 抽生上台表演:Who can come here and point out the colour.This girl please. Red,red,it’s red Yes or No?  Yes Oh,good,very good,you can get a flower. Next one? 5、学唱歌曲“A colour song” The little men invite us to their home and give us presents.then when we leave, what should we send them as a present?小矮人邀请我们到他家玩并且还送了礼物给我们,那么在我们要离开的时候你想送点什么礼物给小矮人呢? You please,send a pen .Ok,sit down,please. You please.send an  English song .Good,very good.I think it’s very good.好,我们赶快来学这首“A colour song” (1)放歌曲录音。First,let’s appreciate it.我们先来欣赏一下。 (2)学生随录音学唱。 6、小结 你们唱得棒极了,小矮人听了一定非常高兴。嗯,就要下课了。Now,look at the blackboard.Let’s count.which group is the winner.The red group is the winner.Let’s congratulations. 没获胜的组不要泄气,还有一个机会,the only chance and the last chance: Who can summrize the knowledge in this class.谁来总结一下这节课所学的知识? you please.嗯,the sentence:Hello, welcome to our home. You please.嗯,five words:red yellow orange purple white. You please.嗯,an English song. 嗯,看来,这节课大家有很多收获。这就是我们最大的胜利。Yes? Now class is over.Bye everyone. 板书:
A colour story home Hello. Welcome to our home. White  red   yellow  orange  purple What colour is it? It’s …

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,《Unit 8 A colour story》教学设计—— PEP人教版三年级上册英语整册教案