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《Welcome to Australia》教学纪实与评析

《Welcome to Australia》教学纪实与评析

11-15 19:42:50  浏览次数:149次  栏目:小学英语备课资料
标签:小学英语备课资料大全, 《Welcome to Australia》教学纪实与评析,http://www.dbk123.com
  本节课为EEC教材小学课本第六册Lesson5的第三课时。本节课在第一课时及第二课时的基础上,进一步巩固练习句子“Welcome to…”及感叹句“What a…”的运用,学习六个生词,并对熟悉和喜爱的国家、地点进行简单的描述,初步了解课本中所涉及到的几个国家的人文地貌。
  句子:Welcome to…What a … place/country/city!I saw…
  1.感叹句What a…!在情境中情感的真实流露和表达。
  1.Greeting& Revision
  T: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Mary’s class. There are so many teachers here today. Let’s welcome them.
  Ss: Welcome to Mudanjiang.
  T:I’m from Harbin. I’m new here. Could you introduce some places to go in Mudanjiang?
  S1: You can go to Dafuyuan supermarket.
  S2: You can go to Jingpo Lake.
  S3: You can see the waterfall.
  T: Thank you very much. Before I came here, I searched some pictures of Mudanjiang on the internet.(Showing the scenery of Mudanjiang on the screen.)
  T:Look! What a beautiful place! What a wonderful place!
  Ss: What a beautiful place! What a wonderful place!
  (Writing on the board.)
  1. Teaching the new words
  T: Mudanjiang is a city .The landmark is Jingpo lake. Can you tell me some other cities?
  S1: Harbin is a city.
  S2: Shenzhen is a city.
  S3: Shanghai is a city.
  S4: Beij

  www.dbk123.com ing is a city.
  T:Yes, do you know the landmark of Beijing?
  S1: Tian’anmen .
  S2: The Great Wall.
  T:Well done! Yes, they’re the cities in China. China is a country. And The famous animal is…
  Ss: Panda.
  T:Very good. Can you tell me some other countries?
  S1: Australia is a country.
  S2: Japan is a country.
  S3: The U.S.A is a country.
  [评析: 新授词汇city /country不是简单的机械呈现,而是让学生在教师的示范中理解,在调动已有知识的运用中习得。既引发了学生的思考,又复习了本节课要点。更是以学生为学习主体的体现。]
  T:Excellent! Today I’ll show you another country. Let’s look!(多媒体播放埃及法老、狮身人面像及金字塔等配乐短片,使学生感受到异域神秘的风彩。)
  T:Wow ,what a fantastic place!
  (Writing on the board.)
  T:Do you know the name of the country?
  Ss: 埃及。
  T:Yes, it’s Egypt in English.
  Ss: Egypt.
  [评析:观看多媒体影片,让学生感受埃及国家的神奇,真实地运用感叹句及 “fantastic”这个形容词!同时激发学生学习了解这个国家的欲望。]
  T: Beijing is the capital city of China.Now, let me show you another capital city.(多媒体出示法国巴黎地图。)
  T:Paris .
  Ss: Paris.
  T:Do you know the landmark there?
  T: Yes, Eiffel Tower.
  Ss: tower.
  T:Where did you see it?
  S1: I saw it in the book.
  S2: I saw it in the picture.
  [评析: 在情境中,引发学生思考,复习I saw…]
  T:Do you know some other towers?
  S1: Dragon Tower.

  S2: Dongfangmingzhu Tower.
  T:Yes. Oriental Pearl TV Tower.
  T:Now, let me see if you know all these new words.(多媒体反馈四个新授单词的图片。)
  2. Listen to the tape
  T:Egypt and Paris are beautiful places.Our friends Sandy and Billy also went to some places. Let’s listen to the tape. “Where did they go?”Please tell me.
  S1: They went to Australia.
  S2: They went to Egypt.

  S3: They went to Paris.
  T:This time let’s chant along.
  Ss: (Follow the tape.)
  1.See the movie of Australia . Practice :What a…!
  T:Sandy and Billy went to Australia. I also went to Australia last year. Look, this is my photo there.(多媒体展示两张教师在澳大利亚的照片,背景分别是悉尼歌剧院和考拉图。)
  T:Do you want to go to Australia,too?
  Ss: Yes.
  T:Welcome to Australia.
  T:What do you think of Australia?
  S1: What a beautiful place!
  S2: What a wonderful country!
  [评析:带学生游览澳大利亚,为其创设情景,让学生有感而发,表达自己的真情实感。巩固 What a…!]
  T: What do you think of these? (多媒体出示刚刚看过的标志性建筑、景物、代表动物等图片。)
  S1: What a beautiful beach!
  S2: What a wonderful place!
  S3: What a lovely animal!
  S4: What a tall kangaroo!
  S5: What happy people!
  S6: What a high tower!
  S7: What a big whale!
  S8: What a fat whale!
   2.Be the guides of some places.Introduce the great places there.
  T: Australia is a beautiful country. Our country China is more beautiful. There are many places to go. Let’s make some small groups and introduce some cities. One or two are the guides there, the others are the travelers.(多媒体出示杭州西湖照片。 )
  T: For example, I went to Hangzhou last year.This is the West Lake. Look, the water is blue and clear. The lake is very beautiful.You can go boating on the lake. Also you can eat the delicious fish.

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,《Welcome to Australia》教学纪实与评析