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Module 4 Unit 1 What are you doing ?

Module 4 Unit 1 What are you doing ?

04-03 14:07:04  浏览次数:287次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, Module 4 Unit 1 What are you doing ?,http://www.dbk123.com


           Module 4 Unit 1  What are you doing ?






能够听懂、会说What are you doing? What`s he doing ? 及其回答,并在适当的情景中运用。能把所学的知识运用到实际生活中。



 教学课时: 第一课时


 Step One: Warmer.

1.     Greating: Say “ Hello” to everybody .

2.     Sing a song < I`m listening to music>

www.dbk123.com (设计意图:让学生的视觉和听觉兴奋起来,营造自然、愉悦的学习氛围,唤醒学生的记忆,同时巩固动词的ing形式,为下一步的学习做好铺垫。)

Step Two: Revision.

1. Play a game: “真真假假我来猜”

Teacher shows a picture of their classmates ,One student comes to the front and does the action. the others guess,and ask“Are you …?”the first student answer “Yes or No”

(设计意图:此环节主要是操练已学过的动词,如“swimming、 jumping、walking、listening、eating、dancing等,这样不仅激发了学习兴趣,也为新课的教学做铺垫)

2. Ask and answer

       S1: (做动作,如跳舞)

       T: What are you doing ?

       S1: I`m dancing.


3.     The leading words:

T: Do you want to know,What are Lingling and Amy doing now ? Ok, Today We`ll learn the new lesson <What are you doing?> Turn to page 14, Listen to the tape and answer my question.

Step Three: presentation.


www.dbk123.com ;   Listen and answer:

What are they doing ?

      New word “talk”

    (设计意图: 抓住二年级学生的聪明、好学的特点,着重培养学生自学的能力。)

2.       Listen and find the new words

    talk / drink / noise (Show the new words on the blackboard)

3. Explain the meaning of the new words by body language and read after T in different ways. ( boys, girls, individuals)


4. Play the cassette again and ask Ss to listen, point and repeat.      

(设计意图: 听并重复,目的是培养学生模仿说的能力,为拥有良好的语音和语调打下基础。)        

Step Four:Interesting Practice

1.     Play a game “ I do you ask”


www.dbk123.com 英语教学离不开情境教学,于是,我采用活动的方式让孩子做动作,学生当小老师来提问,将重点句子反复操练。)

2.     “What`s he doing?”

(设计意图: 此环节是一个知识的扩展,由询问对方正在做什么,引出询问他人在做什么)

3.     Do activity 1.  <Listen and write>

 Listen to the sounds of talking,drinking,playing and do the actions.If he’s right,I’ll give him one sticker.

   (设计意图: 二年级是学习英语的黄金阶段,为了提高学生的书写能力,我安排了听一听、写一写的练习。比一比谁听的准确、写的工整,争夺小奖品来激发学习的兴趣。)


T:“ What have you learned today?Now let’s see.”

Step Five: Homework.

1.     Listen and write the new words.

2.     Practise :Do activity



Blackboard  design: 

                                      Module 4

     Unit 1  What are yo

www.dbk123.com u doing ?

New words:     What are you doing ?       What`s  he   doing

                         talk        I`m  …                            she

                         drink                                  He is…

                         noise                                  She is …,Module 4 Unit 1 What are you doing ?