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Unit 5 My new room教学设计

Unit 5 My new room教学设计

04-03 14:42:33  浏览次数:823次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, Unit 5 My new room教学设计,http://www.dbk123.com

Unit 5   My  new  room
Teaching content:
PEP BOOK 5 Unit 5 Part B    Let’s talk   Let’s try
Teaching objectives:
1、          To know how to describe the rooms.
2、         Introduce their bedrooms such as the passage.
3、         To know the simple listen question, finish “Let’s try.”
1 、To know the vocabulary and sentences in “Let’s talk” and “Let’s try”.
2、To know and prictise the sentences.
Sensibility\strategy\ culture:
To know how to work together. And make their bedrooms clean.
Teaching important and difficulty points:
Important: Can use the sentences: There is/are…The is on/in/under the .
Difficulty: Can describe their bedrooms and finish “Let’s try.”
Teaching aids:
1、         The cartoons of the passage.
2、         The pictures of the things in a bedroom.
3、          PPT.
Teaching period: One Period
Teaching course:
Step One: warm-up
1、Sing the song "My small bedroom."(运用歌曲的热身方式让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中快速进入学习英语的状态。)
2、Have a free talk about the week and weather.(坚持每天的free talk可以培养学生的日常交际和综合语言运用能力。可以让孩子迅速从习惯用母语的氛围中转移到英语的学习与运用中来。)
Step Two: Presentation

1、Say: It’s a fine day today. There is a party at my home. Boys and girls, Would you like to go the party? Now, at my home, You can visit  the  rooms. Do you want to visit my bedroom? OK! let’s go!(由free talk谈到天气引出今天我家要开party,问问孩子们想不想去参加,到我家可以参观我家,为后面描述房间布置做好铺垫。)
2、First, please visit my bedroom.(Show the picture of my bedroom)What’s it like? Let the Ss answer: There is/are...(通过描述我的房间可以复习前面所学There be句型,并用此句型简单介绍房间布置。通过Where....?问答引出There is/are...in/on the ...。)
3、Then let’s  look at my son’s bedroom.(Show the picture of my son’s bedroom)Is it beautiful? What’s it like? Where is the computer? The Ss can answer: It’s on the bed. Tell them: You can say" The computer is on the bed. "Then teach and prictise the sentence.(接下来参观我儿子的房间,通过问答引出本课另一重点句型:The.. is/are on/in the ...)
4、Show a picture of an empty room. Say: This is my friend- Zhang Peng’s  bedroom. But it is empty now. Can you guess what’s in it? The Ss may guess: There is a bed. I stick the picture of the bed on the Bb. (There is an empty room on the Bb.)...Play the  tape-racorder, let the Ss listen to it and try to say what else in  Zhang Peng’s bedroom.(介绍我的朋友张鹏的房间时,通过一个空房间让学生猜里面会有什么?再次运用There be 描述。培养了孩子的空间想象能力。)
5、Let the Ss look at the cartoon of the passage "Let’s talk". Let them repeat the sentences after it. Then let them say what in Zhang Peng’s bedroom?(让学生通过观看动画来初步感知本课短文内容,并试着跟读短文中的句子。)
6、Stick the pictures of the bed、desk  、closet  、shelf  、co

www.dbk123.com mputer  、books  、trash-bin  、door 、 picture on the Bb. Then let the Ss put them on the right places about the passage.(初读课文后,让学生依据初读的记忆,将短文中所提到的物体摆放在正确位置上(黑板上有张鹏空房间的图),让学生在动手的过程中再次感知并运用介词在There be 句型中的运用。)
7、Let the Ss try to repeat the passage without the text.(让学生依据黑板上张鹏房间里的物品摆放位置来试着描述短文内容。突破难点,抓住重点。)
Step Three: Prictice
1、Let the Ss read the passage on their books and tick or cross the questions.(通过判断正误练习来让学生巩固短文内容。)
2、Let the Ss try to repeat the passage with the pictures on the Bb in groups. Then let one or two Ss to repeat in front of the class.(让学生试着依据黑班上的板书不看课本,运用自己的语言来描述张鹏的房间,培养学生的语言运用能力。)
3、 Let the Ss talk about their own bedroom like the text.(通过谈论自己的房间布置再次巩固本课所学的两个重点句型,突破难点。)
Step Four: Homework
Let the Ss try to write a short passage about their own bedroom.(让学生试着用一个小短文来描述自己的房间,并写在作业本上,培养学生运用英语思考和简单的写作。),Unit 5 My new room教学设计