

04-03 14:37:50  浏览次数:445次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, 外硏版五年级英语上册第四模块第一课时教案,http://www.dbk123.com

Teaching aims:

     语言知识: 1.名词性的物主代词.mine yours his hers Lingling’s

                2. want to do sth   on the line  

     语言运用能力:Listen:  Part 1 and 2

                   Speak:   Part 1 2 and 3

                   Read:    Part 1 and  2

                   Write:    some  words  and  sentences

     情感培养: Can I help you?   What can I help you?

Teaching ways:   小组互助学习

Important and difficult sentences:

               1.It’s  isn’t yours    2.He wants to wear it.

               3.I washed them for you   4.What’s the matter?


     _默写第三模块的单词:1.the British Museum  2. the London Eye

          3. wheel  4. wonderful  5. understand  6.postcard  7. hour 8.mountain


Step1:  Warmer

     Revise words related to clothes

     Say that you are going to ask the students to point to different clothes. They have to listen carefully and follow the instructions.

   Examples: T: Boys, touch your trousers/ shorts,please

            Boys:(touch their trousers/shorts)


www.dbk123.com    T: Touch your shoes,please.

            Ss: (touch their shoes)

Step2: Look listen and say.

      1, listen to tape carefully.      (Five minutes)

      2, Read Part 1 after the tape.      (Five minutes)

     Tell the students to choose one of the possessive pronouns from the passage and write it    on a large piece of paper.

     Now write the following sentences on the board:

       It’s my book.    It’s his shirt.     It’s her blouse.

       It’s their cap.    It’s your T-shirt.

     Explain that you are going to call out one of the sentences. The students

 Have to repeat the sentence.but they must subsitute the possessive pronoun

 Insteadof the possessive adjective+noun

  Examples    T:It’s his shirt.    Ss: It’s his.

              T:It’s your T-shirt. Ss: It’s yours


    1.I (宾客)_____  2.she(名词性物主代词)_________3.we(形容词性物主代词)________4.you(单数)_______ 5.them(名词性物主代词)_________ 6.his (主格)______7.us.(名词性物主代词)  ________8.I(复数)_______9.he.(形容词性物主代词)_________10. her(主格)_______


1.       Remember Part 1

2.       Do Activity Book,外硏版五年级英语上册第四模块第一课时教案
