

04-03 14:37:47  浏览次数:187次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, 外研社五年级英语上册第三模块第二课时教案,http://www.dbk123.com

Teaching aims:

     语言知识:1.go to the Great Wall.    2. at the weekend  3. at ten o’clock

               4.by      5. walk for one hour    6.take photos

     语言运用能力:Listen:  Part 1 ,4  and 5

                   Speak:   Part2,3 and 6

                   Read:    Part 1 and 4

                   Write:    some  words  and  sentences

     情感培养:   Please help each other

Teaching ways:   创设情景和相互提问教学法

Important and difficult sentences:

               Where did you go at the weekend?

               How did you go?

               What did you do?


     写出下列单词的过去时: 1, go_____    2, come______  3, buy______ 4, drop______

             5, send_______  6, visit_______ 7,have______  8, take_______ 9,like_____ 10,read­­_____


Step1:  Warmer

Tell the students that you had a dream yesterday. In the dream, you visited London

Let the students say: “ What did you do in your dream?”

Step2: listen and say.

      1, listen to tape carefully.      (Two minutes)

      2, Read Part 1 after the tape.      (Five minutes)

      3, Translate the sentences into Chinese.   (Six minutes)

         (1) go to the Great Wall          (2) at the weekend

         (3) very old and very long        (4) at the o’clock

         (5) in the morning              (6) by bus

         (7) walk for one hour            (8) lots of

         (9) take photos                 (10) take a photo of his father

  Let the students make some sentences with the expression_rs.

Step3. Read and answer          (Seven  minutes)

      1. Who went to the Great Wall?

      2. When did they go?

      3. How did they go?

      4. What did they do?

      5. What did Daming do?

Step4. Put this table on the board        (Five minutes)



Hong Kong




The Peak

Dragon   Boat

Heilongtan Park


Dim sum





Silver  earrings






Explain that the students are going to work in parrs and talk about the places in the table.

  Do an example with the class.

Example:   I went to Hong Kong and I saw the Peak. I ate dim sum and I bought some clothes. I was happy.  

 Now put the students in pairs and have them talk about each of the places in the table.


  Think and talk about you

1)      Where did you go at the weekend?

2)      When did you go?

3)      How did you go?

4)      What did you do?


1.       Remember the words of Module 3.

2.       Do Activity Book

