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三年级下学期《Unit9 What time is it?》教案

三年级下学期《Unit9 What time is it?》教案

04-03 14:09:19  浏览次数:903次  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:pep小学英语教案,人教版小学英语教案, 三年级下学期《Unit9 What time is it?》教案,http://www.dbk123.com

Unit9 What time is it?

一、Teaching Objectives:
1. Study sentences (what time is it? It’s eleven o’clock. Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.)
2.     Study words (o’clock, ten, eleven, twelve)

二、Teaching Key:
Words: o’clock, ten, eleven, twelve
Phrases: ~o’clock
Sentences: what time is it? It’s eleven o’clock. Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.
Revision and Extension: the wordbook’ exercise
三、Teaching Difficult Points:
Study words :o’clock, ten, eleven, twelve
四、Teaching Materials:
         Paper tokens, digital watch/clock, ball

The First Period
Step 1. Getting ready
1) T:(Hold a soft ball or soft object.) One! (Toss the ball to a student.)
2) Prompt the student to say two.  And toss the ball to the next student who says Tree. Model if necessary.
3) Continue up to twelve.
4) Write the word o’clock on the board and have Ss repeat.
5) Now add o’clock after the numbers, e.g. one o’clock, two o’clock. Point to the numbers around a clock.
6) Using the soft Ball or object, toss it around as you and the Ss say the hours of the day.
7) T: what time is it? Ss: It’s one o’clock. Model if necessary.
Step2. Using the book
1) T: Point to the watches in the first picture.) What are these? Ss: They’re watches. (Point to the clocks on the wall.) What are these? Ss: They’re clocks.  
2) T: Let’s listen together.
3) Play the tape and have Ss follow along.
4) Play the tape again and have Ss repeat after each sentence. (请学困生)
5) T: Get into groups of three. One plays “Go g o”, one plays Tony and one plays the shopkeeper. Point out who the shopkeeper is in the picture.
6) Have Ss listen and speak their roles as the tape plays.
Stap3 Extension activity

Clap quickly a number of times and ask Ss: What time is it? Ss: answer according to the number lf claps, e. g. For ten claps Ss answer :It’s ten o’clock. Review the vocabulary in this manner. Then Ss take turns clapping while the class identifies the tine. Ss can then work in smaller groups or pairs.

Writing on the blackboard:

Unit9 what time is it?
what time is it? It’s eleven o’clock.

 Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.
one o’clock   two o’clock        seven o’clock  eight o’clock

three o’clock  four o’clock       nine o’clock    ten o’clock

five o’clock   six o’clock        eleven o’clock  twelve o’clock
1. 通过活动教学法教学,让学生在活动游戏中学习,操练新知识,学习效果好

www.dbk123.com ,而且学生学习兴趣大,能积极主动参与课堂活动。
2. 在开展活动时,如果参与面再广一点,效果会更好。同时,在设计活动形式时,如果再能中下生的接受情况,设计不同层次的活动,也许会更好。

The Second Period
一、Teaching Objectives:
1.  Study sentences (what time is it? It’s eleven    o’clock. Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.)
2.  Study words (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve)
二、Teaching Key:
Words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve
Phrases: ~o’clock
三、Teaching Difficult Points:

Sentences: what time is it? It’s eleven o’clock. Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.
Revision and Extension: the wordbook’ exercise
四、Teaching Materials:
         Picture Cards, Paper tokens, digital watch/clock,


Teaching Procedure:
1) Getting ready
Hold up each picture card and say the time.(请学困生)
T: Now listen and repeat.
Say each time again in random order.
2) Using the book
T: Open your books. Listen and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it.
Play the tape and have Ss repeat each time phrase.
Point to the three o’clock picture.
T: What time is it? Ss: It’s three o’clock.
Hold the book up and point to other time pictures and have Ss answer. (请优生)
3) Extension activity
Have Ss create a graph by putting the letters a-f over the boxes on the page. Then on the left side of the page, they should put the number 1next to the one o’clock box and the number 2next to the seven o’clock box. Call out graph locators, e.g. b2. Ss should read across the graph to the b column and down to the second row and answer accordingly, e.g. eight o’clock. After t models the activity, Ss can take turns calling out locators in pairs and small groups.

1) Getting ready
Pass out picture cards.
Have Ss hold them up.
Pose question to them about their cards.
T: What time is it? Ss: It is six o’clock.
Continue asking other Ss.
2) Using the book
Point to the first picture and model the dialog.
Point to the second picture and model the dialog.
T: listen and repeat.
Play the tape and pause after each sentence for Ss to repeat.
3) Extension activity
Draw a clock on the board without the hands. Tell Ss to put their heads down on the desk so they cannot see what you’re drawing. Draw the hands in the clock, and then cover the whole drawing. When Ss look up, T: asks what time is it? Ss: can guess the time by saying .the student who guesses correctly then takes a turn to draw.

Writing on the blackboard:

Unit9 what time is it?
what time is it? I

www.dbk123.com t’s eleven o’clock.

 Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.
1. 通过活动教学法教学,让学生在活动游戏中学习,操练新知识,学习效果好,而且学生学习兴趣大,能积极主动参与课堂活动。
2. 在开展活动时,如果参与面再广一点,效果会更好。


The Third Period
一、Teaching Objectives:
1. Study sentences (what time is it? It’s eleven o’clock. Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.)
2.     Study words (o’clock, ten, eleven, twelve)
二、Teaching Key:
Words: o’clock, ten, eleven, twelve
Phrases: ~o’clock
三、Teaching Difficult Points:

Sentences: what time is it? It’s eleven o’clock. Is it twelve o’clock? Yes, it is.
四、Teaching Materials:
        Tape, digital watch/clock,


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,三年级下学期《Unit9 What time is it?》教案