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PEP8 Unit2 B Let’s talk 教案

PEP8 Unit2 B Let’s talk 教案

04-03 14:46:44  浏览次数:448次  栏目:小学英语教案
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PEP8 Unit2 B Let’s talk (诊断课)

                                     瑞安市宁益乡学校 陈阿微



1.能够掌握四会句子:How are you? You look so happy. You look sad today.

2.能够听懂Let’s try和Let’s check部分,并能根据录音内容正确标号。


重点是四会句型:How are you? You look so happy. You look sad today.



一.warm up

1.    Chant and do.

Chant: How do you feel?  How do you feel?

I feel sick. I feel sick.

2.教师板书课题:Unit 2 what’s the matter, Mike? 并带读。

T: Today you’ll be divided into two groups , the“ happy ”group and the “excited” group. Let’s have a competition. OK? (Put the happy face  

and the excited face    on the board, which group is better, which group can get the stars.)

2.    Free talk.

T: what day is it today? What`s the weather like today? How do you feel?


T: How are you today?

S: I’m fine.

T: I’m glad to hear that…

如学生回答说:“I am sad/bored.”教师可说:I’m sorry to hear that. Can you tell me why? 请学生尝试阐述原因。

3.CAI show winter

T: when it`s am i`m happy, when it`s cold I am_____.

4. Ask and answer

When I come back in the evening, I am __________.

When I get 100 in my English test, I am ___________.

When I feel sick, I am __________.

When my teacher comes to my home, I am _________.

When I listen to this music. I am___________.



1.放出铃儿响叮当的音乐,问学生:“what day is it?”引出圣诞节。呈现图片。T: when you hear this music. How do you feel? ----happy, excited出现心理学上的笑脸。

T: why?

Ss: because I can get present from charismas father. Because I can get cards from my friends. Because I have many foods ….

3.    Yes, in chrisms we are happy.

4.    课件显示对话内容

Mimi: merry chrismal!

Kaki: merry chrisms!

Mimi: how are you? You look so happy today.

Kaki: Yes. I’m happy. Because I …



1.出示道具(笑脸), T: It’s a happy face. 把道具反过来:Now it’s a sad face. 引出sad.。

升降调齐读、个读、纠音。T: Kaki is sad. Do you know why? 呈现药品,让学生说出原因hurt.

T: do you know wh

www.dbk123.com y Kaki is hurt? Maybe he play football. maybe…图片呈现Kaki的数学试卷,he failed the math test.呈现Kaki挨打的动画。

2. Mimi: how are you? You look sad today.

Kaki: yes, I am sad. Because I’m hurt.

Mimi: why are you hurt?

Kaki: because I failed my math test.

3.T-S S-S

(三)出现卖火柴的小女孩the little girl sell matches,导入对话三make a wish

呈现卖火柴的小女孩。T: who is she?

She looks _____.Why?

Ss: “because she is cold /hungry/…thirsty        渴的

教师进行描述:Today is Christmas day. Boys and girls are very happy. But she is sad. Because she is hungry, thirsty and cold. She Lit Matches, she see her grandma.

 Grandma: baby, you look sad today.

   Yes, I’m sad.

   What’s the matter?


   Make a wish, please.

   I wish I can have ……

   Look, Here’s …… for you.

  Thank you. I’m happy now.




No matter

播放歌曲“no matter what”


PEP8 Unit2 B Let’s talk


failed the math test                                       


I`m sorry to hear that                               ○        

    Glad                                 &nb

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1.能够掌握四会句子:How are you? You look so happy. You look sad today.

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