

11-15 19:42:50  浏览次数:291次  栏目:小学英语教学案例
标签:英语教学案例范文,英语教学案例分析, 一年级英语教学案例,http://www.dbk123.com
  执教者:万江第一小学  林年珍
  We  are  happy . we  are  great .
  教学内容:BOOK 1 ---LESSON 6----P26 A RHYME(第2课时)
  教学目标:理解、会读A rhyme,并在情景交流中运用。
  重    点:语言输入We are friends .We are great .
  难    点:You are great.与We are great .区分运用。
  Step 1:Warm up(3minutes)
  1. Greetings
  T:OK.Time for class .
  S1:Up up
  Class:Stand up
  T:Good morning,class.
  Class:Good morning,Miss Lin.
  T:How are you ?
  Class:I am fine ,thank you .
  T:Good .Down down.
  Class:Sit down
  2. T:Now listen ,follow and do the actions
  T:Up up
  Class:Stand up
  T:Down down
  Class:Sit down
  T:Up up
  Class:Stand up
  Class:How are you ?
  Class:Jumping and running on the floor
  Class:Down ,down ,please.( 学生坐下)
  T:Good, you did the good job !
  I am happy .
  You are great!你们真了不起。
  1. Students’ play
  T:Now let’s make the dialogues .OK?
  T: Good .Now look here and who will try ?(老师分别示3张提示图,并提供道具让学生出来表演对话)
  EG: 1. T: Look!Say “hello”each other .Can you ?
  S1:Hello!                 S2:Hi!
  How are you ?             I am fine,thank you .
  2. T:Oh ,little cat and little rat.Who will be ?
  S3:Googbye,goodbye!Little cat.
  S4:Good night,good night!Little rat.
  S3:Little rat goes to bed .or: Let me go to bed .
  S4:Little cat jumps on the rat .or: Let me jump on the rat.
  3.T: Look !Who is he? Who is she ?Do you remember ?
  S5:Hello, I am ….
  S6:Hi, I am …..
  S5:Let’s be friends.
  S6:We are friends.
  S5\S6:Friends,friends.We are all friends .
  T:(每当学生对话表演完)Great,great.You are great.或Oh,wonderful!( 奖贴纸)
  Step3:Presentation and practice(8minutes)
  1. Lead-in
  T:Good.指向周围两边学生:You are great .You are great,too.双手向全班摆开并竖起2个拇指:We are all great .
  T:(走向评价表)Look!Here is G1,G2,G3 and G4.  And here are               some stickers.If you can  join the English class , say and act ,you can stick 1 piece here 1 time . Understand ?
  Class:Yes .
  T: Come on . You are great !OK?
  T: Are you happy ?
  Class:yYes .
  T:I am happy ,too .  OK. Listen to me carefully .
  (指向板书)  We are happy ,we are great .We are happy every day . “我们是快乐的.我们是棒的.我们每天都很快活.”
  T: Yes?
  2. T:Now follow me :We are happy .We are great . We are happy every day .(拍着手有节奏地,其中happy,great以动作代替拍手)(2次)

  www.dbk123.com 竞争意识。评价方式巧妙设计,与新知紧密相融,并让本课重难点自然出现,打破在学习过程中出现的窘状。)
  3. T:Look here .Pay attention:friends,we are friends .friends ,understand ?(Ss:朋友) 对了,我们一起学习,互相帮助。We are friends.we are happy .OK? Now listen  to the tape and try to  say  A rhyme  , then say and act.(播放P26a rhyme 2次)
  4.  T:Now I read here ,you read here and here .Can you ?
  T: OK. Have a try .
  T:Good. Now who will be “Mery,Terry,Jack and Kay”?各组抽1人分别戴头饰“MaryTerry,Jack and Kay”站出来(2 times)
  全班:Mary,Terry,Jack and Kay
  4人拍手+动作:We are friends,we are great.
  全班:MaryTerry,Jack and Kay
  4人 拍着手:We are happy every day.
  T :鼓掌
  Class:You are great !  S1S2;S3S4互击掌’竖拇指:We are great .然后S1S2S3S4分别评价该组.(组拼大拇指中的其中一小块)
  1. Chant and act
  T: You can say .SO you are all great .
  T: Now let’s play a happy game .OK ? The game is “Which group is great?哪组了不起?”
  我有6张课题卡,由各组代表抽一张,然后由该组say and act the rhyme, then you (指向全班学生)say: “Great,great,great.You are great .” 表演的学生two in one face to face and say:“Great,great,great. We  are great .”  Understand ?
  T:Oh,all of you can say and act .Let me try .OK?
  Class:OK .
  T:(抽出Lesson 6) Oh,Lesson 6.You are … .(横向指向全班学生)
  Class: Great!
  T:Good .Together.OK?
  T:OK,up up .
  Class:Stand up .(师生一起say and act the rhyme)
  T:Now can you put the rhyme into the dialogue ?(3次)
  Class:Yes .
  S1:Hello!I am Mery .
  S2:Hello!I am Terry .
  S3: Hello! I am Jack.
  S4 :Hello! I am Kay.
  T(扮演嘉宾):Hi! I am Hello .Let’s be friends.OK?
  T\S1\S2\S3\S4: We are friends. We are great. We are happy every day .
  (各组一代表+另外一嘉宾2次。然后由各组代表戴着头饰走向其他个组:Let’s be friends.OK?........)

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