

04-03 16:23:20  浏览次数:628次  栏目:小学四年级英语试卷
标签:四年级英语试卷分析,小学英语试卷, 冀教版四年级英语下册期末复习试卷,http://www.dbk123.com



J__nuary(    )  M__ __ ch(    )  M__ __(    ) F__bruary(    )

A__ __il(     )  J__ __e(   )  J__ly(   )  S__ __tember(    )

N__vember(   ) A__gust(   ) O__ _tober(  ) D__cember(    )

p_nc_l (    )  _r_ser (     ) p_p_r (     )  sc_ss_r(     )

ch_lk (     ) gl_e(     ) m_rk_r(     ) ch_ir(     )

sch_ _l(     ) p_n  (    ) S _ _day(    )  s_nw_(   )

j_ _ns(  ) av_ _ue(  ) twel_th(  ) fort_ _th(  )


is, What,  it,  day


Wednesday,  June, It’s,  twenth


your,  desset, is ,What, favourite



the,   today,   weather,  how’s


are ,   wearing ,  you, What


leaves,  wind,  the,  blowing,  is,  the,  tree’s,  off



(  )1、What’s your favourite school work ?     

(  )2、When is lunch ?

(  )3、How do you go to school?

(   )4、What are you wearing ?

(  )5、What day is it ?              

A 、 By car .

  B、I like to read books .

  C、It’s twelve o’clock .

  D 、 It’s Saturday .

  E 、I’m wearing shorts .



1.How’s the weather? 

It’s ___.

 A.sun     B sunny   C snow

2.I work hard(  )school .

A.on    B.at   C. in

3.What is the third day of the

week?(  )

A.Thursday  B.Tuesday    C.Wednesday

4.The boy (  ) a red hat is my


 A.  on  B.  in  C.  above 

5. How are you?  (  ), thanks. A. Fine   B. Yes   C. Good

6. What is it?  

It is  (  ) paper.
A. a   B. /   C. an

7. What’s (  )name?

A. you   B. his   C. she

8、They are (  )books in the library .

A、seeing  B、reading 


9、(  )favourite fruit is orange .

 A、You  B、I  C、My

10、(  )is June first .

 A、Children’s Day 

B、National Day  C、Women’s Day

11、The school is(  )from my house .

 A、long   B、near   C、far

12、(  )is your birthday ? 

  --December first

A、What   B、When   C、Who

13、What’s your (  )?   ­­

It’s 858 Ninth Avenue .

  A、address  B、 name   C、old

14、I like to play(  )  my doll and my skipping rope .

    A、to    B、on   C、with



1、今天是星期几?           day is it today ?

2、你最喜欢的衣服是什么?  What is your      clothes .

3、我们的点心是相同的. Our desserts are the        .

4、你有多高?  How       are you ?

5、今天的天气怎么样?  How is the        

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