

04-03 16:23:17  浏览次数:167次  栏目:小学四年级英语试卷
标签:四年级英语试卷分析,小学英语试卷, 冀教版四年级下册英语期末复习(连词成句),http://www.dbk123.com
⒈are     purple   These      grapes                                                         
⒉a   Is   a    white     cat   this                                                          ?
⒊your    What 's    colour   favourite                                                   ?
 ⒋like   you   Do   shorts?                                                          ?
⒌have  lunch  We   the  in   afternoon                                                     ?
⒍your   food   favourite   What's   lunch   for                                                         ?
⒎a    Is   this   donut                                                    ?
⒏do    you   What   to  like       do                                                    ?
⒐likes     play    Jenny    to    basketball                                                  
⒑like  I  draw and  write   pictures   stories   to                                                      .
⒒old    you   How   are                                          ?
⒓are   What     you     wearing                                   ?
⒔are   tall   How    you                                       ?
⒕live    do   Where   you                                         ?
⒖this   a   Is     bus                                          ?
⒗do    go   you   How   to  school                                              ?
⒘live  in    I    a    on  house   Avenue   Ninth                                                        .
⒙that    near   the   Is   movie   theatre                                                  ?

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