

05-10 23:53:31  浏览次数:113次  栏目:小学六年级英语试卷
标签:六年级英语试卷分析,小学英语试卷, 六年级英语上册第三四单元测试题,http://www.dbk123.com

一、 写出所缺字母(注意大小写

1、Ee __   Gg  __    2、N__  Oo  Pp     3、J K L __ __ 

4、Xx __ y  Zz       5、Rr Ss __  __    6、H  __ __ 

二、选择不同类的单词 (10%)

   1. A. shoe store   B. fruit stand     C. clothes shop    D. storybook

     2. A.this evening  B.tomorrow      C. tonight         D. right

     3. A. newspaper  B. magazine   C. comic book     D. traffic light

   )   4. A. shop            B. shoe              C. hospital        D. supermarket

   )   5. A. train        B. bus          C. buy           D. ship

三、选词填空 (10%)

(   comic book    football    morning   TV    themepark)

1、  Dad: What  are  you   going  to  do  tonight?

Son: I’m  going  to watch __________ ?

2、  Mike: Do you like reading ____________?

Tom : Yes,I like it very much.

3、  My brother like playing________ .

4、  Tom: Where are you going to do this  __________?

Amy: I’m  going  to the  _________.


    1. 向别人问路,第一句话应说

A.How are you ?B、Excuse  me.  C、Hello.

    2. 若你不小心踩了别人的脚,应说一声:

A、   I’m sorry .  B、Excuse me .  C、You’re  welcome .

     3. 当你上课迟到了应说:

A. Open  the  door, please!   B、Help ! CMay  come  in,please?

   )    4. 当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说:

A.  How are you ?  B.  What are you going to do?   C.  Can I help you?


A、There is a bookstore near our school          .B  ,It’s a bookstore.

C、Let’s go to the bookstore.


 1、am   to  going   buy   comic book 


2、are  you  what  going  to  do  afternoon  this


3、to  going  am   my  room  clean



4、you  are  where  going  tomorrow 



5、you   happy   are




Awhat    Bwhere  C how   Dwhen  Ehow many

1、A:             are you? B:Fine,thank you .

2、A:             are you going ?


B:I’m going  at 2o’clock in the afternoon.

                                                                            3、A:             is Sarah going to buy the plants?


 B: She’s going to the plants shop.

  4、A:            fingers can you see?B:I can see five.


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