

05-10 23:53:31  浏览次数:790次  栏目:小学六年级英语试卷
标签:六年级英语试卷分析,小学英语试卷, 六年级英语第一二单元测试题,http://www.dbk123.com

Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的填入恰当的横线上).

A. fever  B. sad  C. stronger   D. science museum   E by plane

1. I failed the English exam today. I feel ______.3. I feel sick. I have a _______.

2. My father is ______than my uncle.  4. I’m going to Beijing ______ next month.

5. Liming usually go to the_________with his friends.

.Read and choose(选择填空

1.(     ) — ______ are you going to do?       —I’m going to play football.

       A. When        B. What         C. Where

2.(     ) --______do you feel?          -- I’m tied.    A.What   B.How   C.Where

3. (    )—What do you do?   —I’m an _____ .  A. engineer    B. teacher    C. singer

4.(     ) — ______ are you going to do?     —I’m going to play cards.

A. When        B. What       C. Where

5.(     )---_____are you?      ---I’m 34kg.  A.How heavy.   B.How long  C.How  big

6.(    )当你想了解别人从哪儿来时,问:  A. What are you from?       

B. When are you from?           C. Where are you like a glass of tea?

7.(    )当你想知道别人能看见几把尺子时,问: A. How many rulers can you see?

      B. How much is the ruler?           C. I can see five rulers.

8.(    ) 当你想了解别人的职业时,问:  A. What are you do?

     B. What do you like?          C. What do you do?

9.( &n

www.dbk123.com bsp;  )当你想知道别人的爱好时,问:  A. What do you hobby?.

       B. What do you like?   C. What is your hobby?

10.(   )当你想知道别人感觉如何时, 问:    A. How are you?

      B. How do you feel?    C. What’s your name?


1.你想知道别人有多高,你应该怎么说?                 )

A. How tall are you?   B.How long are you? C. How high are you?

2.你想知知道别人有多重,你应该怎么说?               )

A.How high are you?  B.How old are you? C.How heavy are you?

3.你想知道别人多大了,你应该怎么说?                 )

A.How old are you?        B.How long are you? C. How tall are you?

4.你想知道这个东西的价格,你应该怎么问?            )

A. How many are there in your family?  

B. How much is it?      C.  How are you?   

5.----Where are you going?  ----              .           )

A.By bus         B.The museum        C.At the 4 o’clock

6.----How tall are you?----I’m                .             )

A.149 cm tall         B.fine,too         C.13years old

7.Can I speak to Miss Li ,please?-----     &nb

www.dbk123.com sp;      .           )

A. Can’t      B.Hold on, please.  C.She is listening to music.

8.The monkey’s tail is 36                             )

A.long                B.small    

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