

05-10 23:53:31  浏览次数:815次  栏目:小学英语课堂
标签:英语课堂用语,小学英语课堂游戏, 剑桥少儿一级1~4单元复习及测试,http://www.dbk123.com

 Unit1 Hello! I’m Sam.

单词: pen  pencil  pencil-case  book  ruler  bag  eraser  my  new

发音:单个字母 a 在闭音节中的发音

bag    bat   hat   map   mat  van   pan   fan  sand

句型:This is a pen.  

This is my new pen.  

Hello!  I’m Pat.

His name is Bill.

会话: Hello! Your name, please!   

Bill is my friend. 

Nice to meet you!  

 Show me your pen.   

熟读:SAM:hello! I’m Sam. His name is Bill. Bill is my friend.

 ANQI:hello! I’m AnQi. His name is Alex. Alex is my friend.

Bill:Nice to meet you.

ALEX: Nice to meet you,too!








Unit2 It’s a goat

单词: horse  fish   turtle   duck   chicken  rabbit  cat  dog   cow frog   sheep   goat  elephant  hippo  smile  our  animal  tail lizard  

发音:单个字母 e 在闭音节中的发音

leg   hen   desk   wet   bed  vet  egg 

句型:  What’s this?     

It’s a horse.   

会话:  It’s a long tail. 

Smile, please!

This is my cat. 

I love it!   

This is my animal world. Please love my animals.



Woof!woof!    Meow!meow!   Cock-a-doodle-doo!   Quack!quack!

Tweet!tweet!   Baa!baa!   Cluck!cluck!   Oink!oink!  Moo!moo!

----What’s  it?

----It’s  a  cat.

----Yes, it is.

----No,it isn’t.



Unit3 I like apples.

单词: apples  bananas   pears  grapes  mangoes  grapefruits  oranges pineapples  watermelons   peaches  coconuts   lemons  (pl.)

      cherry   strawberry

单词:单个字母 o 在闭音节中的发音

dog  hot   sock   fox  box  fog  hop  lot  mop  not  cot  cob   

clock   cod   cock  doll  dot  log  pod  pot  rock  jog 

句型1:What would you like, Sir? 

I like apples.

Would you like an apple? 

Yes, please. 

No, thanks. 

I want some apples.   

句型2:  What’s your favorite fruit?

I don’t like bananas, but I like peaches.

How about you?   

Me, too! 

Here you are!   

熟读:Two monkeys come to a fruit shop.They want to get some bananas.But they can only get some apples and oranges.So they are not happy.Just then two children(child)come into the room.They have got a big box(boxes). 

Inside,there are some bananas.The monkeys see them. They are very happy.

Sir  Miss=Ms.  Mr.

Unit4 What’s in my hat?

单词: hat   table   pig  friend  clock  baseball   bird   pouch    fun    time   watch  box  hand  mouth  candy   kite  doll

      now   shoe  

单词:单个字母 i在闭音节中的发音

sit   kid   six  zip  hit

句型1:  What’s in the hat?     

What’s on the table?   

It’s a bird.          


句型2:This is my friend, Tony! 

  It’s our fun time today.   

Who can make your own chants?


人名:男孩子: Sam, Bill, Alex, Tom, Ben, Fan, Dan, Tony

      女孩子: Pat, Lucy, Ann, Sue, May, Jill, Lan, Kim





一、 按顺序写出26个英语字母的大小写。( 1’x25=25’ )



二、 将下列数字按顺序排列。(1’x10=10’ )

        one nine two four eight seven five six ten three



三、 看图、字母,写出单词。( 2’x5=10’ )

1)   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h o e n e t l e p   2)    _ _ _ u c p

        3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e i a l p r n a     4) _ _ _ _ o r d o

5)    _ _ _ _ _ _ c n e l p i     

四、 写出正确答案,并写出其复数形式。 ( 1’x10=10’ )

1. 鸡蛋   A. eag       B. egg      C. eeg    __________

2. 吉普车 A. geep      B. jeeb     C. jeep   __________

3. 钟表   A. clock      B. kloc     C. clok   _________

4. 兔子   A. ribbit       B. rabit     C. rabbit    __________

5. 女孩   A. gril         B. gril      C. glir       __________

6. 老鼠   A. mourse      B. morse    C. mouse    __________


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