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关于Safety First的小学英语作文示例

关于Safety First的小学英语作文示例

04-16 02:15:27  浏览次数:587次  栏目:小学英语作文
标签:小学英语作文大全, 关于Safety First的小学英语作文示例,http://www.dbk123.com

英语不仅出现在课堂里,它已经融入到了整个社会中,成为人类生活中不可缺少的一部分,特此www.dbk123.com为大家整理了关于Safety First的小学英语作文示例,敬请同学们关注!!

Safety First

Last January the New Year began on Thursday. I shall never forget that day because I almost died of fright.

My brother and I were walking down the road, followed by the dog. I was carrying a cake to a friend. My brother is a football fan, he carried a ball in hand.

A car came toward us. I thought that both the dog and my brother were safe, but suddenly the ball fell off my brother's hand and rolled to the middle of the road. Our dog ran after the ball. My brother ran to save our dog. Luckily the driver saw this, and was able to stop the car in time.

How pleased I was! Maybe our dog wanted to get the ball back for he often helps my brother.

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