

11-15 19:40:30  浏览次数:132次  栏目:五年级英语教案
标签:五年级英语教案大全, 五年级英语上册unit14课程分析,http://www.dbk123.com

2)Show some groups


2、Task 2

Use the sentences Ps have learned to describe the animals

1) Ps help teacher to make a poster

T: (CAI show a picture of panda) Look! It’s panda. Is it cute and lovely?

Ps: Yes.

T: What’s its favorite food? / What color is it? /What can it do? /Where is it from? / …

Ps: (Answer the questions.)

(通过问答形式, 激活学生原有的语言知识.)

T: Now I want to make a poster of panda. What should I do?

Ps: …

T: One thing I should do is: Write down some sentences to introduce the panda. Can you help me? Give me as many sentences as you can. (学生们都很喜欢帮老师做事, 做起事来积极性特别高涨; 刚才是老师问学生答, 现在是学生试着整理自己的思路把尽量连贯的把句子说出来, 培养学生的连贯表达的英语思维能力.)

2) Show Ps the poster of panda. (为学生连贯描述动物提供参照和对照)

4) Each group choose one of the animals to make a poster

1、First, discuss in groups choose which animal

Second, discuss in groups how to introduce the animal

Third, try to write down the sentences. (Finish drawing after class.)

2、Show some groups

(通过小组合作共同完成动物海报, 给学生创造了连贯运用语言的机会;在这过程中, 可训练学生的听、说、写的能力及培养学生的合作意识和团结合作的精神。)

四 Development

Read a paragraph about animals

(训练学生快速阅读的能力。提醒学生阅读时要注意:1、做姿端正2、不读出声音 3、不用手指着读。 学生阅读时小声播放一首轻快的歌曲可促使学生加快阅读速度及避免读出声音。)

五 Homework

1 Copy the new words

2 Listen to the tape and say after it for twice at least

3 Finish the poster

(作业是课堂的延伸, 课堂的时间非常有限,不能全面的检查学生的学习情况,通过批改作业,老师可以了解绝大部分学生的掌握程度,从而不断改进教学方法和进行培优补差。)



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