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三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第三课时教案

三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第三课时教案

11-15 19:42:50  浏览次数:594次  栏目:三年级英语教案
标签:三年级英语教案大全, 三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第三课时教案,http://www.dbk123.com

www.dbk123.com小学频道搜集整理了三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第三课时教案,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第三课时教案

一 教学内容

牛津小学英语 3B第八单元第三课时

二 教学目标

1 能熟练地综合运用本单元所学的日常交际用语以及表示食物和饮料的单词。

2学唱歌曲 Hot cross buns!

三 教学重点


五 课前准备

板书:Unit 8 I’m hungry

六 教具准备:

1 实物投影仪及E部分图片

2 磁带及录音机

七 教学过程

Step1 Revision

1 Play a game


Teacher sees one thing to let each group guess what it is.

2 Free talk

Ask students to look at the pictures.

T: (toS1)What would you like?

S:I’d like a pie.

T: What about a sandwich?

S: I’d like a soft drink.


Step2 Listen and judge

实物投影E部分Listen and judge的图片

1 Ask and answer

T: What can you see?

S: I can see….

T: What’s that on/ in the….

S: It’s….

T: How many… can you see?

S: ….

2 Ask students to talk about the pictures.

3 Play the tape for it.(Ss do the exercises.)

Step 3 Look and say

1 Ask students to discuss the pictures of this part.

A: What would you like? I’d like some bread

What about a hot dog? Sounds good.

B: What would you like? I’d like some juice.

What about some milk? Sounds good./Great.

C: What would you like? I’d like a cake.

What about a sandwich. Sounds good.

D: What would you like? I’d like a bar of chocolate.

What about a pie? Sounds good.

Let students select one picture to act.

Step 4 Workbook Part B

1 Ask students to talk about the pictures.

2 Play the tape for it.(Ss do the exercises.)

Step5 Sing the English song Hot cross buns

1 Play the tape for students.

2 Explain the Chinese meanings for them.

3 Sing after the tape.

Step 6Homework!

Talk about the pictures in different ways.


以上就是三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第三课时教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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,三年级英语下册第八单元I’m hungry第三课时教案