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小学一年级英语暑假作业:Book2 Module8练习题

小学一年级英语暑假作业:Book2 Module8练习题

11-15 19:40:30  浏览次数:845次  栏目:一年级英语暑假作业
标签:一年级英语暑假作业大全, 小学一年级英语暑假作业:Book2 Module8练习题,http://www.dbk123.com

【摘要】马上就要开学了,同学的暑假作业做完了吗?www.dbk123.com的小编在这里编辑了一些朋友的暑假作业,我们先看看小学一年级英语暑假作业:Book2 Module8练习题,你的英语下学期暑假作业做完了吗?

暑假作业:Book2 Module8练习题如下:


A.I B. we C. they D. their E. these F. that G. she H. he I . it J. you

1.Look ! _______ school bags . 2. What are ________ ?

3. ______ like football . 4 ______ is a nurse .

5. _______ is a dog . 6. _________ are basketballs .

7.Are ______ a good boy ? 8. ________ like dance .

9. _______ is a doctor . 10 . _______ is our farm .


1、let’s go swimming . 2. Where’s my football ?

3. I like football . 4. No , I’m tired .

5. We like basketball . 6. let’s play together .


1. What’s your favourite colour? A. football

2. What’s your favourite animal? B. Black .

3. What’s your favourite sport? C. A lion .

4. Let’s dance . D. It’s under the bed .

5. Where’s my football ? E. No, I’m tired .


1. your sport what’s favourite 2. my is sport favourite basketball

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3. football my where’s 4. dance let’s and sing

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总结:以上就是某小学的暑假作业:Book2 Module8练习题,正在看文章的小朋友,你会做吗?




,小学一年级英语暑假作业:Book2 Module8练习题