

09-20 13:17:16  浏览次数:352次  栏目:小学六年级英语试卷
标签:六年级英语试卷分析,小学英语试卷, 人教版2016年六年级英语毕业试卷(pep),http://www.dbk123.com
      班级         姓名        学号         

一、Listen and choose.听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,(10)

(     ) 1.  A. nine              B. by                      C. bike

(     ) 2.  A. dog             B. duck             C. boat

(     ) 3.  A. light                    B. right                   C. night

(     ) 4.  A. went skiing  B.went skating C.went swimming

(     ) 5.    A. 3rd floor      B. 1st floor      C. 5th floor

(     ) 6.    A. 150cm             B. 150m              C. 115cm

(     ) 7.    A. It’s windy.             B. It’s snowy.    C. It’s sunny.

(     ) 8.    A. Tom’s favourite colour is green.

      B. Tom’s favourite animals is giraffe.

     C. Tom’s favourite season is spring.

(     ) 9.    A. Amy’s uncle is an accountant.

B. Amy’s aunt is an actor.

 C. Amy is a salesperson.

(     ) 10. A. John has a new picture book.

B. John has a new story-book.

C. John has a new English book.

二、Listen and choose. 听对话,请根据问题从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(10)

 (     ) 1.  A. I am going to go tomorrow. 

B. I am going to go with my father.    

C. I am going to by bike.

(     ) 2. A. No, he doesn’t.    B. Yes, he is.   

C. Yes, he can play the piano

(     ) 3. A. He likes football.    B. He’s tall and strong. C. He’s an actor.

(     ) 4. A. No, it isn’t.   B. Yes, it’s near.   C. Yes, there is.

(     ) 5. A. It’s near the bank.

        B. Take No.2 bus, get off at the cinema.

        C. It’s next to the shoe store.

三、Listen and arrange. 听短文,根据你所听到的内容用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序。(10)

(   )  Daddy, I’m home. I’m hungry.

(   )  What would you like for dinner?

(   )  I played basketball after school. I’m hungry and tired now.

(   )     It’s 6:30

(   )      What did you do after school?

(   )  What time is it now?

(   )     Mom is out. So, we can cook dinner together.

(   )  Can you wash the vegetables?

(   )  I’d like some fish ,tomatoes and chicken.

(   )  Yes, I can. I’m going to wash the vegetables.

四、Listen and number. 听对话,根据你所听到的内容用阿拉伯数字给下列图片标号。(10)




   (    )        (    )           (   )        (   )        (   )    



五、Fill in the blanks. 在四线格内写出所给字母的左邻右舍,大小写字母均写。(10)

Ff            Nn                Qq              Rr


Uu           Xx              Cc               Hh

六、Read and write. 读一读,根据例子写出单词或短语的正确形式。(10)

1、old ─ older  funny--______     big--_________   thin--_______

short--______   heavy--_________

2、listen to music ─ listened to music  sing and dance--________________

eat good food--_____________   buy presents--_________________

climb a mountain--______________  go fishing--______________

3、sing—singing  swim--_________  run--_______   write--_________

listen--_______  have--_______

4、live—lives  teach--_______   read--_______   watch--______

work--______   go--______

七、Read and fill. 读句子,根据句意选择合适的单词填在横线上。(10)

1.  Where is the           ? It’s next to the park.( cinema  fall )

2.  There is a           , a mirror and a desk in my bedroom.

   ( closet  forest)

3.           is Saturday. It’s my mother’s birthday. ( winter today )

4.  What did you do last winter?  I went            . ( skiing park)

5.  How many         are there in the picture? There are 5.(horses mouse)

八、Look and write. 根据图片,补全对话。(10)



1、A: This is a beautiful ______.

B:  ___________ is it?    C: It’s 60 yuan.

2.A:How do you        school? B: I ________________.

3. A: What’s your ________season?

B: I like ______, because I can ___       ____ .

4.  A:What’s the _____with you?  B:I ______         _____.

5.  A:What did you ____ yesterday?  B:I _______________ .                  

九、Put the words in the correct order. 连词成句。注意大小写及标点符号。(10)

 1、your do  sister  what  does


2、 is  river  village  there  a  in  my


3、does  the   cloud  where   come  from


4、than  giraffe  is  the   monkey  the  taller


5、you  go  Beijing   by  to  play  did


十、Read and judge. 根据短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打√,错误的打×。(10)

Mr Black had two cats. One was very big and the other was quite small. He liked them very much. One day, Mr Green, a friend of his, came to see him. To his great surprise, he saw two holes(洞) in the door, a large hole and a small hole. He said, “ My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?” “ Let the cats in and out, ” Mr Black answered.

“ But why are there two holes? Isn’t one hole enough?” asked his friend.

 “ How can the big cat go through the small hole? He said.

1. Mr black had one cat.     (    )

2. Mr black liked the cats very much.   (   )

3. One day, Mr green came to visit Mr black.   (   )

4 There is one hole on the door.    (    )

5. Mr black is clever.(聪明)。     (     )

Tom was very old, and he lived by himself a long way from town. So he knew less about the world. One day he went into town to buy something in some shops. Then he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When he looked around, he saw many old people put eyeglasses on before reading their newspaper, so after lunch he walked to a shop to buy some glasses.

 The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, “ No, I can’t read with these.”

 The man became more and more surprised. He said, “ Excuse me, but can you read?”

 “ No, of course I can’t!” Tom said. “ I think the good glasses can help me.”

1、Tom lived in a city.                        (    )

2、Tom knew less about the world.              (    )

3. Tom saw many old people at a restaurant.       (    )

4. He went to a restaurant after lunch.            (    )

5.Tom liked glasses very much .                (    )





一、       Listen and choose(根据录音内容, 将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的选项选出来,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里)(10分)

( B ) 1. I go to Xinjiang by plane.

( B ) 2. There is a duck in the river.

( B) 3. The drivers drive on the right in China.

( A) 4.I went skiing on my holiday.

( A ) 5. John lives on the 3rd floor. Room 301

( C ) 6.The yellow monkey is 115cm tall.  

(C ) 7.It’s cloudy in Macau, sunny in Hong Kong.

( C ) 8.Spring is Tom’s favourite season.

( A ) 9. Amy’s father is an actor. Amy’s uncle is an accountant.

( B ) 10. Yesterday Daddy bought John a new story-book.

三、Listen and answer( 根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)(10分)

( C ) 1. How are you going to the park, Mary? 

( A ) 2. Does Mike like playing the violin?

( B ) 3. What’s Mr Green like?

( C ) 4. Is there a library near here?

( C ) 5. Excuse me, where is the bank, please?
